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Escolha o Pronome Reflexivo correto.

1) Would you like to eat another piece? Please, help ___________.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) ourselves

2) I wish the children would behave ___________.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) yourselves
d) themselves

3) We've brought ___________ something to drink.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) yourselves
d) ourselves

4) Steve was feeling very sorry for ___________.
a) myself
b) itself
c) herself
d) himself

5) Sarah traveled to Paris by ___________.
a) myself
b) itself
c) herself
d) himself

6) Sue and Dan solved the puzzle by ___________.
a) itself
b) yourselves
c) ourselves
d) themselves

7) That baby tiger can defend ___________.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) itself
d) ourselves

8) I did not believe Anna sang so well until I heard her ___________.
a) myself
b) yourself
c) himself
d) herself

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