Ficou Mais Fácil: Travel Ingressos com desconto



    Ficou Mais Fácil: Travel


Here you will find information about Brazil and links to some cities, places, landscapes and adventures experienced there. You will have access to images, texts and videos describing experiences and adventures during these trips that are true cultural immersions. Have a good time!

Capital: Brasilia
Language: Portuguese
Area: 8.515.767.049 km²
Currency: Real
Independence: 07 September 1822
Anthem:  Play anthem  Stop anthem

Available information:

 Brasília (Metropolitan Catedral, National Congress Building and the Three Powers Square)

 Iguaçu Falls

Must visit list:

 Minas Gerais (Ouro Preto, Tiradentes, Congonhas and Inhotim)

 Rio de Janeiro (Paraty, The Lakes, Christ the Redeemer and Sugar Loaf)


 Pantanal (Swamps)

 Fernando de Noronha

 Lençois Maranhenses

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